

  • Davydova, Julia. 2011. The Present Perfect in Non-Native Englishes. A Corpus-Based Study of Variation. [Topics in English Linguistics, TiEL 77, series editors: Bernd Kortmann and Elisabeth Closs Traugott.] Berlin & Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2019a. Quotation in Indigenised and Learner English: A Sociolinguistic Account of Variation. [Language and Social Life, LSL 16, series editors: David Britain and Crispin Thurlow.] Berlin & Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.



  • Davydova, Julia. 2020c. Quotation in Indigenised and Learner English: A Sociolinguistic Account of Variation. [Language and Social Life, LSL 16, series editors: David Britain and Crispin Thurlow.] Berlin & Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. (paperback) DOI:




  • Peter Siemund, Julia Davydova and Georg Maier. 2012. The Amazing World of Englishes. A Practical Introduction. Berlin & Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. (Lehrbuch)


  • Peter Siemund, Ingrid Gogolin, Monika Schulz and Julia Davydova (eds.) 2013. Multilingualism and Language Diversity in Urban Areas: Acquisition – Identities – Space – Education. [Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity 1.] Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Articles in journals


  • Davydova, Julia. 2008. “Preterite and present perfect in Irish English: Determinants of variation“. In: Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, Serie B, 84. Universität Hamburg.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2012. “Englishes in the Outer and Expanding Circles: A comparative study”. World Englishes 31(3): 366–385.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2015a. “A study in the perception of native and non-native Englishes by German learners”. Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching. Vol. 6, issue 1 (open access).


  • Davydova, Julia and Isabelle Buchstaller. 2015. “Expanding the circle to Learner English: Investigating quotative marking in a German student community” American Speech 90(4): 441–478.


  • Davydova, Julia, Agniezska Ewa Tytus and Erik Schleef. 2017. “Acquisition of sociolinguistic awareness by German learners of English: A study in perceptions of quotative be like”. Linguistics. An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 55(4): 783–812.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2019b. “Quotative like in the Englishes of the Outer and Expanding Circles”. World Englishes 38(4): 578–592, DOI:10.1111/weng.12404


  • Davydova, Julia. 2020a. “The role of sociocognitive salience in the L2 acquisition of structured variation and linguistic diffusion: Evidence from quotative be like”. Language in Society. DOI:10.1017/S0047404519001003 (FirstView)


  • Davydova, Julia. 2020b. “English in Germany: Evidence from domains of use and attitudes”. Russian Journal of Linguistics 24 (3): 687–703. DOI: 10.22363/2687-0088-2020-24-3-687-703


  • Davydova, Julia. 2021. “The role of sociocognitive salience in the L2 acquisition of structured variation and linguistic diffusion: Evidence from quotative be like”. Language in Society 50(2): 171–196.


  • Davydova, Julia and Kirk Hazen. 2021. “The role of linguistic structure in the perceptions of vernacular speech: Evidence from L1 and EFL English”. English World-Wide 42(3): 273–298.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2022. “The role of social factors in the acqusition of vernacular English: A variationist study with some pedagogical implications”. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 32(3): 425–441.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2023. “Tracking global English changes through local data: Intensifiers in German Learner English” International Journal of Bilingualism, OnlineFirst


  • Davydova, Julia and Angelika Ilg. 2023. “English as the world language in traditional contexts: Evidence from Vorarlberg”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 44(10): 877–892,


  • Davydova, Julia. 2024. Micro-sociolinguistic outcomes of language contact in different lects of Indian English. Lingua 299, Special issue ‘Non-standard morphosyntactic variation in L2 Englishes world-wide: corpus-based studies’ edited by Peter Collins and Bernd Kortmann.


  • Davydova, Julia. submitted. Reconstructing linguistic inputs in a globally available mass media product: Intensifiers in the television series Gilmore Girls


  • Davydova, Julia. submitted. EFL adolescents' use of English in the era of new digital media: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Applied Linguistics


Articles in volumes (peer-reviewed)


  • Davydova, Julia, Michaela Hilbert, Lukas Pietsch and Peter Siemund. 2011. “Comparing varieties of English: Problems and perspectives”. In: Peter Siemund (ed.) Linguistic Universals and Language Variation. [Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, TiLSM 231.] Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 284–316.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2013. “Detecting historical continuity in a linguistically diverse area. The present perfect in modern Singapore English”. In: Joana Duarte and Ingrid Gogolin (eds.) Linguistic Super-Diversity in Urban Areas – Research Approaches. [Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity 2.] Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 193225.


  • Davydova, Julia, Georg Maier and Peter Siemund. 2013. “Varieties of English in the EFL classroom setting”. In: Kristin Bührig (ed.) Transferring Linguistic Know-How into Practice: Perspectivas y Resultados, Perspektiven und Ergebnisse, Perspectives and Results. [Hamburg Series on Multilingualism, HSM 15.] Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 81–93.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2015b. “Linguistic change in a multilingual setting: A case study of quotatives in Indian English”. In: Peter Collins (ed.) Grammatical Change in English World-Wide. [The Studies in Corpus Linguistics Series, SCL 67, series editor: Elena Tognini-Bonelli.] Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 297334.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2016a. “Indian English quotatives in a real-time perspective”. In: Elena Seoane and Cristina Suárez-Gómez (eds.) World Englishes: New Theoretical and Methodological Considerations. [Varieties of English around the World, VEAW G57, series editor: Stephanie Hackert.] Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 173–204.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2016b. “The present perfect in New Englishes: Common patterns in situations of language contact”. In: Valentin Werner, Elena Seoane, and Cristina Suárez-Gómez (eds.) Re-assessing the Present Perfect in English: Corpus Studies and Beyond [Topics in English Linguistics, TiEL 91, series editors: Bernd Kortmann and Elisabeth Closs Traugott.] Berlin & Boston: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 169–194.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2017. “Research-oriented teaching of English sociolinguistics at the graduate level: A case study from the University of Mannheim” In: Tinnefeld, Thomas, Matthias Ballod, Jan Engberg, Katja Lochtman, Günter Schmale and Veronica Smith (eds.) Fremdsprachenvermittlung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Ansätzte – Methoden – Ziele. Saarbrücken: htw saar, pp. 349–363.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2019. “Language ideologies, language policies and English-language teaching in Russia”. In: Andy X. S. Gao (ed.) Second Handbook of English Language Teaching. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Cham: Springer, pp. 135–154.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2022. Salience. In: Kimberly Geeslin (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics [Handbooks in Second Language Acquisition Series, edited by Susan Gass and Alison Mackey]. Routledge Press, pp. 138–151.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2026 (forthcoming). Indian English. In: Carol Chapelle (ed.) Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell.



Chapters in volumes and textbooks


  • Gogolin, Ingrid, Peter Siemund, Monika Schulz and Julia Davydova. 2013. “Multilingualism, language contact and urban areas: An Introduction”. Multilingualism and Language Diversity in Urban Areas: Acquisition – Identities – Space – Education. [Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity 1.] Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 1–15


  • Siemund, Peter and Julia Davydova. 2014. “World Englishes and the study of typology and universals”. In: Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola and Devyani Sharma (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press (online edition).


  • Davydova, Julia. 2014. “Morphosyntactic analysis”. In: Janet Holmes and Kirk Hazen (eds.) Research Methods in Sociolinguistics. A Practical Guide. Malden [etc.]: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 149–163.


  • Siemund, Peter and Julia Davydova. 2017. “World Englishes and the study of typology and universals”. In: Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola and Devyani Sharma (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 123–146.





  • Davydova, Julia. 2012. Variationist Sociolinguistics. Change, Observation, Interpretation by Sali A. Tagliamonte. Wiley Blackwell. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(8): 1012–1015.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2016. Quotatives. New Trends and Sociolinguistic Implications by Isabelle Buchstaller. Wiley Blackwell. Folia Linguistica 50(1): 329–334.


  • Davydova, Julia. 2017. Teaching Global English. Jennifer Jenkins, Global Englishes. A Resource Book for Students. London & New York: Routledge, 2015. English Today, published online March 6 2017,, accessed February 8 2018.

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